Therefore pregnancy and the postpartum period is a period of increased susceptibility to psychiatric disorders such as anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, and psychosis for many women. Hem bu riskler sebebiyle gebelikte antidepresan baslanmas. Ppt antidepresan tedavisinin powerpoint presentation. Literaturde gebeligin ikinci trimesterine gore birinci ve ucuncu trimesterinde anksiyete ve depresyonun daha fazla yasand. Pdf gebelik ve laktasyon doneminde psikiyatrik bozukluklar ve. Winner of the standing ovation award for best powerpoint templates from presentations magazine. The guide is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Ancak tedavi edilmemis psikiyatrik bozuklugun neonatal periyodda infant uzerinde risk olusturdugu ileri surulmustur 3. Ote yandan, hamilelik oncesinde antidepresan kullanan kad.
Trisiklik antidepresan tca klomipramin, imipramin, c grubu. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Gebelikte kullanilabilecek ilaclar hamilelikte kullan. Genel ylkeler ve kullanylan antidepresan ylaclar 21 acar. Sertralin kullananlara onemli bilgiler ankara psikiyatrist. Eldeki verilerin cogu zaman retrospektif degerlendirmeler sonucu elde edilmis olmas. Bu nedenle gebelik doneminde depresyon, anksiyete bozukluklar. Worlds best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Guide to antidepressant medications antidepressant medications guide this guide is intended to provide valuable helpful information presented in an easytounderstand language for people facing health problems. Altta yatan biyokimyasal ve anotomik patolojiler bilinmemektedir.
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